Moment of Truth

I'm one of those people who think they know themselves very well (it took a long time to get here), so when something's wrong or I'm acting out of character, it's relatively easy for me to notice. I try hard to be in touch with myself so I stay on top of things.

So it came as a surprise that I didn't know (or at least acknowledge) that I was addicted to social media. Let me explain.

Social media, for someone like me on a mission to share with the world some thought-provoking ideas and movements, etc, is a powerful tool. I live(d?) and breathe(d?) social media. When I write my blogs, I head over to Facebook, WhatsApp and/or Twitter and share them. I interact with people all over the world and social media is my way of keeping in touch and up to date with what's going on in their lives. That's where the problem lies. Keeping up with going on in their lives instead of actually focusing my energy on living my life.

There's another problem I discovered; oversharing. It has come to a point where if it's not on my snapchat/insta/Facebook/twitter, did it even happen? But I miss out on so much! Imagine trying to enjoy a concert and you're busy looking at your phone screen instead, recording. What's the difference between me and someone who's gonna view these snaps (for FREE) from a phone screen, because that's what I'd be doing too, despite being there in person.

When I'm bored, I spend ages scrolling through tweets and reading through threads, memes, gifs and the likes. And when I'm tired and trying to sleep, I find myself convincing myself that if I take one last scroll down my timeline I'll find something exciting and then go to sleep! Oh how I deceived myself. I downloaded the app called "Moment" which checks how long you've spent on your phone, and boy, do those "5 minute updates" add up to hours?! One shameful day I spent 12 hours on my phone, apparently 🤷🏾‍♀️ Ask me how, I honestly couldn't answer that.

So I've had to sit myself down, look myself in the eyes and diagnose myself of social media addiction! The world doesn't need to know EVERYTHING. What I ate, how bored I am, quite frankly, 99% of the people on there don't even care anyway. Life is almost passing me by while I'm busy updating Facebook statuses. So I'm going to do a detox, slowly cut down on what I'm sharing. There are some aspects of my life that some people don't need to know. I didn't think it mattered much until someone pointed it out to me.

Plan of action:

Well, I'm going to limit my social media presence to only when it's relevant (i.e. I have some important stuff to share like my blogposts, vlogs, etc). I'm also going to put a filter on what I share. Those who need to know will know. Those who don't, well, I guess they won't 🤷🏾‍♀️.

So, why am I telling you this? Well, I don't know to be honest. Is this me oversharing again?! 🤦🏾‍♀️😂

One Comment Add yours

  1. jerazw says:

    Coming out of a self imposed two week break from Facebook, I can understand.

    But does one ever fully recover from an addiction? As one addiction dies, another begins.

    Keep writing, the world will keep reading

    My pen is capped

