Viva, Progress

When I think of progress, I think of the way my perception of the world has changed, and how I treat myself as a person. A lot of my principles have evolved in the past year, and I’ve seen a genuine change even in the way I conduct myself and the things I accept from…


The story of Ruth On the 1st of January I had a revelation (I reckon it’s actually my very first revelation so I’m quite excited). Here goes: (Read all of the book of Ruth for full context. It’s only 4 chapters long) – Now, according to this story, Ruth was married before to one…

What Are You Saying?

Speak positivity upon your life. Your situation may seem dire right now, but confess greatness, confess victory and keep working hard and trusting that the Lord shall help you across this river Jordan you’re facing. Remember the last time you were in a bind, and you thought the world was about to end for you?…

Reaping What You Sow – Believe, Work hard and Yield

We have come to the long overdue conclusion of the “Reaping what you sow” series, and I must say it’s been quite a journey. To remind everyone, these are notes-to-self that I create for my own consumption, but why not share with the rest of the world in case someone is going through the same,…

My Weight Loss Journey – The Ups and the Downs

Since childhood, I’ve always had issues with my weight. You can say I was on a yoyo situation where I’d gain weight, lose it, gain it again and so on. Arguably, when I was young it was more of “Baby fat”, but that gave me a hard time at school. For goodness sake I tried…

Reaping What You Sow Series 4 – Something’s got to give

Hello dear reader! If you’re new to my blog, you probably won’t know that what I share stems from “Notes to Self”. I’m yet to get it right, as a matter of fact, I’m growing as we speak, encouraged by my readers’ comments, discussions and suggestions. So this is for all of us, I’m not…

Reaping What You Sow Series 3 – Renewing The Mind (Part 2)

This is a continuation from my previous post, and, hopefully, I will be able to break some things down a little bit deeper.  You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude…

Reaping What You Sow Series 3 – Renewing The Mind (Part 1)

In this series, I’ve decided to break it down into two parts, simply because there’s a lot to be covered, and unfortunately my time is very limited these days due to exams.  “You must begin to understand, therefore, that the present state of your bank account, your sales, your health, your social life, your position…

Who Are You?

There’s so much danger in not knowing who you are. And by this, I don’t mean knowing your name and having no identification on you, so people refer to you as John/Jane Doe. No, I mean, knowing who you truly are inside, what you want to achieve out of your life and what you want…

Reaping What You Sow Series 2 – Reflections

In my previous post in this series, I wrote about the concept of input and output, and I mentioned how important it is (as I’ve grown to discover) to put in the most effort where we expect the highest returns. I also mentioned how in business, the riskiest investments typically have the highest returns. Of…